Monday, February 27, 2012

Portraits of Ginny

For this assignment, we were asked to capture a portrait of a fellow classmate. We also had to really focus on not just capturing a quality picture, but a picture that evokes his or her personality through setting, lighting, etc.

I thought that these pictures captured Ginny because when I first got to know her, she was very shy, and this idea was captured with her looking away from the camera in two of the pictures. However, Ginny is also very happy and bright person, hence why the lighting in all three of the pictures is bright and cheery. I especially liked how both the pink shirt and green background were very bright because it demonstrates how she views herself as bright and the people around her see her as bright as well. The second picture Ginny really liked, so I thought that it was interesting that that was how she views herself. The pose evokes her confidence, which is something that Ginny has a lot of! The final picture is very peaceful and serene, which demonstrates how Ginny is kind and soft-spoken.

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