Monday, March 5, 2012

The Artist! Film Review

1. This film follows George Valentin as his career as a silent movie actor deteriorates as talkies become more popular, and the rise of Peppy Miller’s career, which he was somewhat responsible for. As their lives go in different directions, they still stay connected. Valetin becomes desperate and loses all of his money, having no other companions except his dog, and Peppy Miller becomes more and more popular and happy. However, she still worries about him and they end of reuniting after George almost commits suicide.
2. The story is driven by the characters in my opinion since Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo were such fantastic actors. They were so animated and full of life that the plot became secondary since the characters and relationships between the characters was so strong.
3. The cinematography was very appropriate for the film. My favorite part was how the medium mocked the medium used in the 1920s by being black and white and silent. Then towards the end when Valentin is in a “talkie,” they have sound. Additionally, I really liked how when he was spending all of his money creating his own silent film, the scene of the ripping checks was transparent over the making of the movie because it added a neat effect of time going by.
4. My favorite scene was the end of the movie when George and Peppy were filming their dancing movie. I really like happy endings, so watching everything fall into place made me happy! I liked how after the music stopped, you could hear them breathing but not talking. It was an interesting choice to never have the characters speak which I thought worked out really well to enhance the film. I especially liked all of the clapboards in the beginning because it was a cute touch!
5. I really enjoyed watching the silent film, much to my surprise. I thought that I would be bored, but the actors vivaciousness and spirit really made the movie come to life. It was fun watching a movie without dialogue because I could really focus on the actors and how they expressed themselves without any words. In normal movies, you can lose yourself easily in the dialogue and not appreciate the acting skills, but in silent movies you can really appreciate the skills.
6. I would most definitely encourage someone to see The Artist!! I thought that it was SO good and fun to watch, especially since I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s so drastically different from the other movies of this time, which lends itself towards a very enjoyable and neat viewing experience! Plus, it’s great plot that’s well executed.

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