Monday, March 12, 2012

self portrait project

We had to take self portraits for this project. Although we could have someone else take it, we had to set up the angles, settings etc.

I chose this picture because I row, and it's a huge part of my life. I wanted to be off center, and have the boats going by because watching and participating in races is a large part of rowing. I also wanted the lighting to be bright and cheery since I love crew and it's a happy part of my life.
I chose this picture because I am a proud ginger! I love my hair, and it is something that makes me unique which I like. I also like how it's covering part of my face because I am quite camera shy.
This final picture I chose because I love the outdoors and spend a lot of time outside. Also, since I live in California now, I can be outside 12 months of the year! I didn't want to be in focus because I don't like being the center of attention.

I put these three pictures in this particular order because it progresses from not being able to see any of my face, then some of my face, then more of my face.

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